For AS2, AS3, Haxe or Stencil, download the apropiate version for your environment:
import com.kiz10.*;
var Kiz10API = new com.kiz10.Kiz10API();And make sure this Kiz10API variable is visible all over your game.
At the start of the game (tipically before entering main menu), use the next sentence, replacing the first argument with the identifier of your game, and the second one with your actual game's api-key:
Kiz10API.init(8378, "1bd294bef3403da33dddf4d7f88f1Xa1");
if (Kiz10API.apiLoaded) { // Use the api }
Kiz10API.init(8378, "bbd294bef3403daaedddf4d7f88f1ba1", onApiLoaded); function onApiLoaded(response:Object):void { // The api is ready }
Then go back to general instructions and continue with the implementation, to submit scores and unlock achievements.