
DOP Noob: Draw to Save

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Thank you for visiting DOP Noob: Draw to Save! Would you want to test your drawing skills and brainpower with a draw save puzzle game?Avoid hazards such as cave spiders, sharp saws, fire, zombies, skeleton archers, and more by drawing lines to shield silly Noob. Your objective is to save Noob the adventurer from a dire situation!PHYSICAL CAST The calming and addictive power of sketching. An enjoyable way to pass the time. A basic physical system. Challenge your mind. Take an intelligence and creativity test. Combining logic puzzle games with sketching activities in a simple yet intriguing way. Infinite entertainment and challenging riddles. The designers of Noob vs. Pro drew inspiration from Minecraft Universe, Draw to Save, and Save the Dog for their game. Leave a comment below with suggestions on what we should change or add!Basics of playing games To complete the level, draw just one line. Resolve the riddle in a single uninterrupted line if possible. Lift your finger (or let go of the left mouse button) when you're satisfied with your line drawing. Before you cast your line, be sure it won't damage the noob you're trying to shield. Never breach the border that you need to safeguard Noob with. Make an effort to fill in the empty area. More than one solution can be found in a single level. Get creative and use your creativity! Because there is more than one correct solution to each puzzle, this is an exercise in both intelligence and imagination. Discover a variety of puzzle answers that are surprising, intriguing, unexpected, and sometimes even funny!