
Thats Not My Neighbor

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Play : Thats Not My Neighbor

Just lately, you started working as a security guard at a peculiar building. One of your primary tasks will be to spot the creatures that have taken up residence among your neighbors when they come home. If you want to know if the person you're looking at is a kind neighbor or a crafty monster that has taken their look, you have to be alert and analytical every time they come home. The best way to play games online To allow the neighbor to pass, press the green button located on the right. Put an end to the monster's existence by pressing the red button. To view the neighbors' details, use the whitelist that appears on the screen's right side. A neighbor will offer you a card with their information when they come up to the window. Just below the window, you'll see these. The neighbor's details and admission request are accessible through the links provided. Keep the monsters out and don't wipe out your neighbors.