Begin a conflict, and see who emerges victorious! Construct your own card or utilize one that has already been prepared. Over three hundred different things may be found throughout the game! In order to produce the most dramatic fight possible, a large number of characters, vehicles, and several different types of weaponry and armor are required. The steps to take in order to play free fighting games on Arrange the items that you like, whether they are things that provide protection or adornment, characters, or transportation. Should you so desire, you may outfit the characters with weapons and armor. Launch the battle, and see who emerges victorious. You will receive a prize at the conclusion of the battle, and one of the rewards will allow you to access new things. Using the desktop controls, you may rotate the camera by holding down the right mouse button with your mouse. While holding down the middle mouse button, you may drag the camera around. You can zoom in on the camera by using the wheel on your mouse. Items may be placed by left-clicking or holding the mouse button to constantly build new items. To eliminate an object from the scene, you must first click on it. The following are the management options available on mobile devices: ⢠Rotate the camera by touching the screen with one finger. Move the camera by tapping twice on the screen at the same time. To zoom in on the camera, use the slider that is located in the bottom right corner of the screen. You may create an item by tapping on the screen or by holding it down to create things in a continuous fashion. In order to erase an object from the scene, you must tap on it.