You may fight, shoot, get into and steal automobiles, ride a motorcycle, and even take a bus! There are so many great options for exploring locales! accurate and lifelike setting One-of-a-kind traffic signal and roadway system Public transportation includes both cabs and buses. A robust police force and system of police pursuits An intricate plot Over a hundred distinct vehicles, including automobiles, trucks, helicopters, and more The protagonist may be fully customized; you get to outfit him anyway you choose! Forty-plus weapon types, ranging from the most basic knife to an impressive sniper rifle A plethora of side occupations, ranging from professional auto theft to driving a taxi Complete vehicle customization with over 20 different wheel rim options, body color, tint, suspension, and spoiler settings In Precise open world, you get to decide what to do! In this challenging criminal case, would you want to lend Boris a hand? Yes, then go! Crime in Russia, 3D. Boris is the one you picked! The PC version of Control: Control your character and vehicle with WASD keys. Work: jog. Jump into space. Attack using the left mouse button. Aim with the right mouse button. (V) displays or hides the mouse pointer. Take a look at the on-screen buttons that include instructions. Controls for mobile devices: on-screen buttons and joysticks. Specific controls may be found in the Control tab in the game's settings.