
Taffy: Adventure of a Lunchtime

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Play : Taffy: Adventure of a Lunchtime

A new adventure arrives with this game Taffy: Adventure of a Lunchtime Help Taffy, a curious hungry raccoon, to find a way to devour all the delicious snacks in your journey, complete the 40 exciting levels in which you can overcome.Make sure that Taffy reaches his goals where he will cross dangerous paths and complicated puzzles in the shape of a maze! Snack on the snacks to avoid losing energy while avoiding falling into dangerous death traps and avoiding being eaten by a rabid dog.This fun game has simple 2D graphics with 40 levels full of challenges and mazes to avoid falling into the clutches of an angry dog, collect all the food on the way to get all the stars, beware of the many traps and find a way to disable them so that Don't end your life. Reach out to the old woman's arms to feel safe.