Free rally: the Free Rally Multiplayer Series extension is Missed Angeles. You have played this time in an immense LA manufacturing area. As a driver you can control the vehicle and enter a passenger car. You can also call a helicopter to fix cars in certain garages on the map. The vehicles have radio. Radio. Bike is available. Bike is available.Controls: P = car selector view hideWASD, arrows = driving and moving car and helicopter on bike and on footSpace = car brake jumping on 3D individual and bike spacee = car exit-entrancef = get in the car like a passengerq = Radio break-playk = flying kickg = upload the vehicleV = quest for rocket and helicopter military carsI = engine start-stop and helicopterc = adjust the view of the cameraEnter = chat sortEscape = Back to the menu2 = add motorcycle pacer = restart motorcycle and car signalx = motorcycle brakez = reverse motorcycle paceb = Bicycle Leap