In this immersive 3D browser game, your goal is to stay alive. You will rise to prominence as a leader in the post-apocalyptic world. Collect metal debris to use in making fortifications and defensive structures. Get the word out that your settlement is accepting new survivors. Providing for the community's food supply should be your first priority. Make your own way in this difficult and dangerous planet. Your very lives depend on it! Has a Guide on How to Play Idle Craft After the End of the WorldOn a computer, you may use the right mouse button, the WASD keys, or the arrow keys to move about. Display optimized for mobile devices.Get close enough to animals so that your assault zone encompasses them, and then kill them for their food. After that, we'll launch our assault. Take the meat you've caught to the authorized eating establishment. Just by standing on the circle next to it, you may start the cooking process.You may collect metal scrap by patiently waiting near rusted metallic things (barrels, damaged autos, scrap piles). The collecting process will begin on its own. The amount of metal scrap your character may carry is limited.Metal scrap may be used as a building material, so just put the appropriate amount in the numbered box. When finished, a safe haven will materialize where people can take refuge.You may improve your character's skills at any time and recruit new helpers in the shop.