You must make your way up the mountain while avoiding obstacles and gathering funds so that you may buy some incredible skins.PARKOUR In terms of the amount of difficulty presented, the challenges and tests that are about to be presented to you will range from NOOB to PRO.An acronym for SKINOnce you have gathered enough coins, which are hidden in various locations throughout the game, you will be able to purchase unique skins for the playable characters.HEIGHT Do you believe that you have what it takes to conquer all of the obstacles and climb a mountain of a significant height?A walkthrough of how to play the game Kiz10The personal computer:The WASD keys are used to manage your character in this game.- Press the space bar to proceed.Swiping the screen while keeping pressure on the left mouse button allows you to rotate the camera in whichever direction you want.Equipment that can be moved:Use the joystick if you want more control over the character you're playing.In order to jump, you will need to hit the button that is situated in the lower right hand corner of the screen.Swiping your finger over the screen in any direction will automatically rotate the camera for you.Travel to the island with the black and white buildings, where you can pick up the currency, and save some money in the process.